A number of attendees who were introduced to Christianity through the bible study ended up becoming ministers, pursuing formal education and to this day continue to flourish in the United States and worldwide.

In 1986 Paige partnered with Tim Storey Ministries, where she assisted her brother Tim, in his worldwide ministry; as a teacher and motivational speaker, offering fresh biblical insights. After working with Tim, Paige would go on to receive her ordination in 1994 at Melodyland Christian Center in Anaheim, California. Dr. Ralph Wilkerson presided over the ceremony and guest speaker, Professor Peter Wagner was present with a wonderful message and the final prayer. During her time at Melodyland Christian Center Paige was given the opportunity to teach a bible class during the mid-week service. By popular demand the leadership agreed to open the bible study to the entire congregation. The Wednesday night bible study lasted for 6 years.

Between 1995 and 2000 Paige served as an administrator for what USA today called the ‘Hollywood Bible Study,’ founded by Tim Storey. Her involvement also included life coaching and bible teaching to those who attended. Paige was encouraged by her brother to launch LA Women of God, an extension of the Hollywood Bible Study. There she taught, disciple and mentored many women. During this same period Paige started traveling internationally, most notably to the country of Sweden.

Starting in 1996 Paige and her husband Stig started a series  of conferences in Vadstena, Sweden. Over the years this annual conference began to draw many well-known ministers of mixed denominational backgrounds.      continue ...

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